As part of our goal to do more community outreach this year, we decided to start up a Vex IQ team, comprised of some of our younger siblings as well as others interested in robotics.

Goal: Share our love and knowledge of robotics with others, and maybe help them win a few tournaments along the way.

Members: Dhruv Manchikalapati, Sameer Daswani, Vilius Gedminas, Aarush Kadira

What We’ve Done: When we first assembled the Vex IQ Team, we wanted to give them a “crash course” on Vex IQ Robotics, so that they got interested and knew what to expect. Across 7 weeks, we made multiple slideshow presentations to give them as much information as we could without overloading or boring them. We kept it interesting through the use of interactive activities and games. Since then, we have taught them through weekly meetings, in which they have been building and programming their robot.